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Quick Fix Novelty Synthetic Urine 2 oz


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Most people don’t realize that real urine has slight variations from one person to the next. Not only is human urine different in terms of toxins. Specific gravity and PH can also be slightly different depending on the person’s diet.

For instance if you drink a good amount of fluid like cranberry juice or water, your specific gravity could be off. If you take a daily supplement that contains creatine the level of creatinine could be elevated in your urine sample.

Spectrum Labs has a highly sophisticated manufacturing process. It allows us to produce clean formulations of Quick Fix that mimic real urine but are slightly different.

Each batch of Quick Fix is unique in chemical makeup and color. This allows for a control sample that truly mimics the random nature of real human urine. These variations make Quick Fix appear the same as real human urine in a laboratory setting.

In fact, Quick Fix fake pee is one of the most advanced and foolproof synthetic urine kits on the market. Simply heat in a microwave for 7-10 seconds. Rubber band the hand warmer on the bottle and you’re ready to go. No messing around with heat activators or doing a chemistry experiment just to get a control sample of clean pee.

Some products come with a substance labeled heat activator. This heat activator isn’t some new, advanced technology that labs have never heard of before. It’s a powder that will heat up when coming in contact with water. It’s a simple chemical reaction.

Once this chemical reaction wears off, the urine goes back to normal temperature and isn’t usable again. If you need to reheat one of these products, you’re often left out in the cold.

Our Quick Fix Synthetic Urine can be reheated as many times as you need. Because Quick Fix has Biocide protection it simply doesn’t go bad due to microbial growth. Quick Fix has the longest reliable shelf life out of any fake pee on the market.

Our clean pee is perfect for any laboratory needing to calibrate drug testing equipment. Quick Fix is the perfect substance to get a clean baseline reading on your GC/MS drug screen. Labs all over the country have tested Quick Fix with amazing results.

Quick Fix is also a perfect control sample for instant drug test kits. These tests are sometimes cheap and inaccurate. Unfortunately, they’re commonly used in pre-employment drug testing. Using a control sample to prove your test works could be key to avoiding lawsuits from failed drug tests.



Activate hand warmer prior to heating up Quick Fix® (may take 30-45 minutes for hand warmer to heat up).

Shake the Quick Fix® bottle and microwave on high for 10 seconds. The temperature strip should display a green dot in a range of 94° – 100°F. If the bottle feels warm in your hand, but is not showing a reading on the temperature strip, the synthetic urine is overheated. Simply let it cool down gradually until you see a reading on the temperature strip. If the synthetic urine temperature is below 94°, heat again in the microwave for a few more seconds until you see the green dot on the temperature strip between 94° – 100°F.

Now attach the hand warmer with tape or rubber band to the back of the bottle, opposite the temperature strip. This will provide prolonged heat, keeping the bottle temperature near 100°F for approximately five hours.

If you can’t microwave the Quick Fix®, simply attach the hand warmer to bottle at least 1 hour prior to your test. Shake bottle before and after heating and prior to pouring into cup.

If your product remains unused, it can be reheated repeatedly as needed.

Always check your batch number in the batch validation tool found on our home page before using the product. Batch numbers are found at the top of the instruction sheet inside the box. Expired products will be exchanged for retail customers at no charge.